HARO Response

HARO Query We Are Responding To:

Summary: How do you use your blog of your business?

Paragraph Response from Cushing:

“Blogs should provide interesting, relevant, and engaging content. We use ours to share customer stories, interview marketing and design experts, present thought leadership, spotlight our team, and internally link to pages within our website. It complements our 92-year-old brand and factors into ongoing search engine optimization efforts.”
Joseph X. Cushing, Business Owner and Executive Vice President

Company Name: Cushing

Website: https:www.cushingco.com

Headshots Below:

Small (400 x 400 px)Click the image to download the file: Large (3224 x 4030px) – Click the image to download the file:
Joseph X. Cushing Small Headshot Joseph X. Cushing Small Headshot