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Website Redux

It’s an exciting day around Cushing!  We are getting ready to re-launch our website with our very own Cross Media Marketing campaign.  What we have learned about these new concepts is extremely energizing and the climate around here is definitely heating up – despite cold winds and a few flurries.

Our Website has really gone through generations of change – from a static billboard about the business to a digital brochure about the company to a rudimentary tool for customers to upload work to our shop, and now to an interactive means of communicating with our market, disseminating information about emerging technologies and services while serving as a gateway to our production areas.  What was once as novelty – getting an email through the website – is now a many-times-a-day occurrence.  People inquire about services, pricing and jobs while we download job confirmations, information on best practices for best results, and highlights of what goes on at Cushing.  It is not static anymore!

Come on over and see what is happening.  I am especially excited about the Marketing Campaign!!  I will keep you posted about how that works for us.  It has been a while since something felt like fun in this business climate and we intend to share that feeling.

Cathie Cushing Duff

One of the third generation membership owners at Cushing, Cathie has been active in the organization since 1975. A graduate of the University of Toronto (St. Michael’s College) she attended the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business and has been a guest lecturer at the University of Illinois School of Business. A Past President of the North Central Reprographic Association and International Reprographic Association, she has served on the ReproMAX Association and Chicago Family Business Council Boards. When not exploring print and digital communications, her passions are family, knitting and crocheting. Visit Cathie’s Google + profile.

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